Maths in Action


Our class are looking at division. We learned that division and multiplication are linked. If we know our tables then it helps us with our division. We learned that there are lots of ways to look at division like repeated subtraction and sharing. Here are some pictures of our work on division as sharing.
We worked with our partner to share out the counters and then make a number sentence. Here are some of our pictures!
Here we have 21/4 =5 r 1
 Here we have 24/4=6


Lines and Angles

In maths, we are looking at lines and angles. Last week we went for a walk and found lots of lines in the environment. We learned that there are four types of angles; a straight angle, an acute angle, an obtuse angle and a right angle. Today we tested these angles with toy cars to see which angles would make good ramps for Denis the Daredevil. First we predicted what might happen and then we split up into groups to test out the ramps.
Here are some pictures of what happened and our final results...

The results are in.....

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